
Upstairs, Downstairs: an Obsession Expansion

Created by Kayenta Games

A servant-focused expansion for the award-winning thematic Euro + 2nd printings of the sold out Obsession base game & Wessex expansion

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Surveys Sent!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 03:46:06 AM

Everything appeared to be in order (two small corrections). A couple notes: I am traveling today, and my response time will be a little slower. Bulk folks, send me emails with final details, and I will probably get back to you tomorrow.

Thanks all!

Dan Hallagan, Kayenta Games

Pledge Manager Launches Today!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 01:00:49 AM

Let's not forget the natural order of cats...

Smoke Test

This morning, the Pledge Manager (PM) will be launched, beginning with what is called a 'Smoke Test,' which means that 5% of backers across all pledge levels will be the first to receive their survey. This test is to ensure that all aspects of the survey are running correctly; if you have any issues whatsoever, please email Dan ASAP at [email protected].

If all goes well, tomorrow evening I will open up the PM for the remaining 95%. The PM will be open for the month of November.

Pledge Manager Details

Some things to know about the PM:

  • These 'surveys' are badly named. It's just a direct email to you with a link to your pledge in BackerKit, a superb company unrelated to Kickstarter (KS), who helps me manage your pledge in a very friendly way. This survey is just to confirm your pledge, adjust it if desired, get shipping details and payment information (if needed).  Most veteran KS folks know this, of course, but I observe there are a fair number of new backers here, and I think this needs clarification (I remember being confused when I first backed a campaign).
  •  The PM will not charge anything until it closes on 11/30. This means you can relax and modify your pledge as you see fit. Even when you click the final button, NOTHING PERMANENT HAPPENS! I can control each and every pledge directly. So play around and don't fret if your final choice turns out a little messed up. As far as this PM is concerned, I am Oz, and can fix or adjust whatever happens. 
  • You can add to your pledge. If you want to add an a la carte game or a pledge bundle to your existing pledge, you will get the same deal as during the campaign, but you will see an additional full shipping charge added onto your pledge, which may be too much (given all the possible game and add-on configurations and the shipping discounts for the different geographies, it was not possible to build comprehensive shipping tables). Kayenta Games will instead give you a personalized, updated and discounted shipping quote based upon the weight of what you've added and your location. Email [email protected] to get your shipping adjusted.
  •  You can change your pledge. On the first screen, you will see in small print near the bottom a link to change your pledge. It gives a dire warning when you try and do this, but that's just because once you 'dump' your KS credit into a new bucket, it forgets your old pledge.  Not a problem. Your credit stays with your pledge, and you can just shop in the PM store. And I can fix anything that looks off.
  •  If you are a $1 pledger and have a bulk order, contact me at [email protected] BEFORE you place your bulk order (or to get a shipping quote if your pledge has an irregular quantity). The bulk order (6+ games) is going to be a hands-on business to get everything just right. 
  •  If you were charged shipping during your campaign and you are happy with your pledge, you will not be charged anything when filling out your survey (you'll just be completing your address information).
  •  If you chose the Aland Islands as your location to avoid shipping, then when you change your address to reflect your actual location, you will be charged shipping (at the same subsidized, discounted rate as in the campaign).
  • There is no shipping charge associated with the Backer-Created Promotional Tile Add-On (it can be added to any pledge). 
  • There will be multiple announcements before the PM closes and is locked around November 30th, ample time for last minute corrections.
  •  Kayenta Games guarantees 100% happiness with your pledge, and that includes a refund if you so desire.  I understand financial situations evolve. There is no expiration to this policy. 

A lot of detail, I know. Just being thorough. Those who get a survey here in the next few hours, please email me and let me know about your experience so I can make improvements, if needed.

Dan Hallagan, Kayenta Games

Late Pledge Now Open (and two other housekeeping notes)
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 12:38:28 AM


Three quick updates:

Late Pledges

As mentioned, the best value for this campaign was to back the project during the campaign itself. Those backers received the best financial package, which consisted of bundled discounts and subsidized shipping.

The Late Pledge button has been added to the top of the Kickstarter page and is now active. The Kickstarter bundles (Queen Victoria, Lady Mary, etc.) are not available to Late Pledges, although for managing shipping rates new bundles that allow Kayenta Games to charge at-cost shipping have been created. 

Please contact Dan Hallagan at [email protected] if there are any issues with making a Late Pledge.

Backer-Created Tiles 

Please stay plugged into the conversation surrounding the backer-developed tiles! 

Great work is being done over at BoardGameGeek (the link is to the forum—click on any thread where is says 'Backer Tiles'). We are about 1/2 the way done in making sure each tile is thematically sound and as balanced as the concept allows.

Pledge Manager Opening Soon

I plan on opening the pledge manager Thursday morning (and it will stay open for one month). I will send out a 'smoke test' on Wednesday morning. I want to stress that if anything is amiss when completing your pledge, please email me at [email protected], and I will take care of all concerns 1:1. Do not contact BackerKit or post here; I am taking time off the 1st week the pledge manager is open to make sure I address all questions, bundle negotiations, shipping concerns, etc.

I do recommend you take care of your survey early; I will be on vacation starting 11/8 for a week, and I will be less responsive during that time. 


Dan Hallagan, Kayenta Games

Back-Designed Tile Voting Results!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 10:37:49 PM

Cat wins 81% to 19% over all other inferior four-legged creatures

We Have a Winner!

The voting wrapped up a little earlier than I had anticipated, and it is the Babbling Brook by a runny nose!

Per the stretch goal, the Babbling Brook will be added to the punchboard and included in the Upstairs, Downstairs box. I feel bad that the Parish Church just missed out. How thematic. I wish I could convince Kayenta Games that JUSTICE needs to be served. Wait. I am Kayenta Games. Let's put both of those tiles into the Upstairs, Downstairs box! The great thing about being the CEO and janitor is that I can always vote for MOAR.

The remaining 18 tiles will fit perfectly on three small six-tile punchboards, shrink-wrapped and made available in the pledge manager. So everyone wins!

There will be an active thread on BGG (probably a new one) where thematic research and refinement for all tiles will take place. I will share that link in a future update.

Dan Hallagan, Kayenta Games

Backer-Designed Tile Voting is Now OPEN!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 12:02:59 AM

Hey, look, CAT is leading DOG 78% to 22%


Go vote for your top three tiles! 


It is the bottom item in the GeekList. All the details are in the GeekList above, but I used images for the voting so they would all be right there for you. The poll is open through Friday...I will send out an Update with the results.

Note that all tiles will be scrutinized for theme and adjusted in consultation with the designer after the voting.

We wantss them...(gollum)...we wantss them all! Gives them to usssssssss (gollum)

I have already decided to make the remaining backer-designed tiles available for cheap in the pledge manager (it will be a little three punchboard pack in shrink wrap). More to come.

Thank you, everyone!

Dan Hallagan, Kayenta Games